4 things to ask when interviewing for a new job

11 Apr 2023

As a barista, it's important to find a job that not only suits your skills and experience, but also meets your expectations and career goals. It's 2023, and the hospo industry is a better than ever potential career for those with the passion and drive for it.

When attending a job interview, it's essential to ask questions that will help you better understand the job and the employer's expectations. We speak to THOUSANDS of baristas every year, and we think we know a thing or two about the interview process.

So, here are four things a barista should ask a potential employer at a job interview:

  1. What's the training process like? As a barista, you need to be able to prepare a wide range of drinks, from lattes to cappuccinos, and each cafe has its unique brewing methods and standards. Ask your potential employer about their internal training process, what kind of resources they offer, and how long the induction lasts. This will give you an idea of how well-prepared you'll be to perform your duties effectively.

  2. What's the work schedule like? Being a barista can be super demanding, especially during peak hours. Ask your potential employer about the work schedule and what kind of flexibility they offer. Will you be working full-time or part-time? Will you be working all weekends and holidays? Understanding the work schedule can help you plan your life and balance your work-life responsibilities before you accept a new position.

  3. What kind of customers do you serve? As a barista, you'll be interacting with customers on a daily basis. It's important to know what kind of customers you'll be serving and the cafe's customer service standards. Ask your potential employer about the cafe's target audience, their expectations, and how they handle difficult customers. This will help you better prepare and feel comfortable going into the role.

  4. What are the opportunities for growth and development? Working as a barista can be a stepping stone for a career in the hospitality industry, now more than ever. Ask your potential employer about the opportunities for growth and development, such as training programs, promotions, and the chance to take on additional responsibilities. Knowing the possibilities for growth can help you set realistic goals and plan your future career path.

Asking these simple questions during a job interview will not only help you better understand the job and the employer's expectations, but also give you an idea of whether the job is a good fit for you. Be sure to listen carefully to the employer's responses and take notes, as this information will be valuable in making an informed decision about accepting the job offer.